
Relaxation techniques for the management of stress and anxiety in older adults

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anxiety "is a natural emotional response comprised of human reactions to the threat of a negative or uncertain outcome". Although this is a condition that usually requires a combined treatment between drugs and psychotherapy, we want to tell you about the benefits of relaxation in everyday life.

Relaxation is essential at this stage of development because it benefits the health of the older adult. In this regard, the neuropsychologist Luis Rodríguez Recio mentions that some of its effects are the following (Rodríguez, n.d.):

The benefits at a cognitive level are usually: reduction of anxiety levels and improvement in self-concept and self-esteem, making the person feel more self-confident. In addition, relaxation facilitates concentration and attention, which promotes learning and acquisition of new skills.

As for the physical benefits, it is said that relaxation increases muscle tone and sensorimotor control; it allows oxygenation of the brain, decreases muscle tension and cholesterol levels. Here are two techniques that can help older adults relax:

 1-Progressive Jacobson's muscle relaxation

One of the physiological reactions of anxiety is that the muscles tend to tense. For this reason, this technique allows the opposite process to take place, so that the body can relax.

Sitting in a comfortable chair, the older adult should tense (squeeze for 5 to 7 seconds) and then relax different muscle groups in which tension usually accumulates, these are:

1. Legs:

  • Calves: seated with the toe raised upwards
  • Thighs: stretched with strength in the buttocks
  • Buttocks: squeeze the buttocks for a few seconds.

2. Arms:

  • Hands: clench fists tightly
  • Biceps: elbow flexed, try to bring the fist close to the shoulder.
  • Shoulders: raise the shoulders up to the ears.

Respiratory muscles: Move the shoulders as if they could be brought together in front of the chest).

4. Back muscles: moving the shoulders backwards.

5. Neck muscles: tensing the neck muscles

6. Muscles of the face: tensing the eyebrows, raising them, closing the eyes tightly, smiling in an exaggerated way and, finally, imitating the posture of the lips when giving a kiss.

At the same time that the muscles are tensed and relaxed, the mind should be relaxed. It should be noted that in older adults who have any injury, it is important to consult a doctor beforehand so that he/she can determine if this technique is appropriate.

2-Relaxation from visualization

 This technique consists of bringing to mind situations or memories that evoke positive feelings such as peace or tranquility. It is recommended to do it before going to sleep, lying in bed. It involves visualizing a scene carefully, contemplating every detail and imagining pleasant sounds or smells, while breathing slowly and softly, without any hurry (8 relaxation techniques for better sleep, 2021).

Bibliographic references

Rodríguez, L. (n.d.) Benefits of relaxation. Retrieved from:

If they need support during this difficult time, at Verdeza we can provide them with a safe environment and social interaction activities. If for any reason, it is difficult for you to keep your family members at home, consider Verdeza as an excellent option.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, May 20

Chicken breast in spinach sauce
Beef fajitas

Tuesday, May 21

Breaded mahi mahi mahi filet
Fettuccine with amatriciana sauce

Wednesday, May 22nd

Pork tenderloin with pineapple sauce
Chicken pieces with onion sauce

Thursday, May 23rd

Tenderloin steak in garlic and mushroom sauce
Rice with shrimps

Friday, May 24

Mushroom Risotto
Chicken thighs in stew

Saturday, May 25

Pork chunks in sweet and sour sauce
Sea bass fillet with saffron sauce

Sunday, May 26th

Beef chalupas
Salad Verdeza with chicken

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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