
The importance of proper dermatological health

The skin is the most extensive organ of the human body and one of those that needs the most care throughout life. However, in older adulthood the skin becomes extremely delicate, since as we age, it loses thickness and elasticity, wrinkles and spots appear and bruises and scratches are formed more easily (Cuidados de la piel en los mayores, n. f). That is why in this month of June we tell you about the aspects that older adults should take into account.

 First of all, there are two types of skin aging: chrono aging and photo aging. The first refers to the natural process popularly known as "the passing of the years", i.e. the physiological transformation, and the second is associated with the amount of sun exposure the skin has experienced during life (Redacción Médica, 2016). It is for this reason, that two people of the same age can look different and show one of them more signs of age than the other.

Other factors that influence the appearance of the skin in old age are the following: hydration, harmful habits such as smoking or the presence of a chronic disease (IDEM). This is why healthy habits and proper control of diseases affecting the older adult population, especially diabetes and hypertension, are so important.

Katherine Barría, dermatology specialist at Clínica Alemana, states that for a correct care of the dermatological health of the elderly, the following recommendations should be followed: "take short baths, use mild soaps in small amounts, avoid excessive scrubbing (such as the use of scrubs, gloves and brushes) and apply moisturizing creams daily" She also adds "that talcum powder, widely used by older adults, does not replace creams and should be avoided, as should strong laundry detergents and fabric softeners" (Barría, 2018).

These tips, together with the use of sunscreen, proper hydration, consumption of fruits rich in water and the use of clothing that protects from the sun's rays, help prevent skin diseases and, therefore, increase the quality of life of older adults.

It should be noted that these recommendations are not a substitute for a visit to a dermatology specialist who can make a specialized opinion, since there are older adults with particular conditions or allergies that require specific indications.

Bibliographic references:

Barría, K. (2018) Skin care for the older adult. Clínica Alemana, Retrieved from:

Skin care in the elderly (n. f). Sanitas. Retrieved from:

If they need support during this difficult time, at Verdeza we can provide them with a safe environment and social interaction activities. If for any reason, it is difficult for you to keep your family members at home, consider Verdeza as an excellent option.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, May 20

Chicken breast in spinach sauce
Beef fajitas

Tuesday, May 21

Breaded mahi mahi mahi filet
Fettuccine with amatriciana sauce

Wednesday, May 22nd

Pork tenderloin with pineapple sauce
Chicken pieces with onion sauce

Thursday, May 23rd

Tenderloin steak in garlic and mushroom sauce
Rice with shrimps

Friday, May 24

Mushroom Risotto
Chicken thighs in stew

Saturday, May 25

Pork chunks in sweet and sour sauce
Sea bass fillet with saffron sauce

Sunday, May 26th

Beef chalupas
Salad Verdeza with chicken

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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