
What is a Snoezelen Multisensory Stimulation Room?

Last month in our blog we mentioned the Snoezelen Multisensory Room, an avant-garde concept in the field of sensory stimulation of the elderly. In this month of May we consider it pertinent to expand the information about this method that provides so many benefits to the elderly with some type of dementia.

What is multisensory stimulation?

It is the stimulation aimed at people with some form of dementia or cognitive impairment. Based on the needs of the person, the objectives are structured and based on stimuli, relaxation or activation of the senses is sought (Hulsegge and Verheul, 1987). Consequently, a completely individualized stimulation program is provided.

What is a Snoezelen Room?

Therapy founded by the Dutch Hulsegge and Verheul in the 1970s. It is a room equipped with visual, light and tactile stimuli, among others, through which people experience different sensations under the supervision of a specialist.

The word Snoezelen comes from the contraction between the words explore (snuffelen) and relax (doezelen) (Neuro Rehab Human Brain, 2016). Thus, Snoezelen therapy "aims to provide pleasant sensory experiences by stimulating the primary senses, without the need for intellectual activity and in an atmosphere of trust and relaxation" (Bombín, Borja and Moral, 2020).

The key to this therapy is that the sessions become enjoyable and meaningful experiences that provide a sense of confidence and well-being.

Is Multisensory Stimulation the same as the Snoezelen concept?

No, Snoezelen is a type of multisensory stimulation that has been perfected from the use of high-tech resources used in a controlled manner in a pleasant environment (Bombín, Borja, & Moral, 2020).

How does the Snoezelen Room benefit older adults with dementia?

The main benefits of the Snoezelen Room are as follows (Stima, 2018; Sisters Hospitallers, 2019):


- Anxiety reduction

-Increased balance

-Improved motor performance and postural control

-Stimulation of memory, attention and language.

-Decrease in apathy and aggressiveness.

-Decrease in behavioral disturbances

-Decrease of repetitive verbalizations. 

These positive effects of therapy are related to the experience as such within a comfortable and rewarding environment for the older adult.   

Bibliographic references:

Bombín, E. Borja, I. and Moral, G. (2020) Clarifying concepts. Basale Stimulation, Sensory Integration and Snoezelen. Basale Stimulation. Retrieved from:

Sisters Hospitallers (2019) Snoezelen room: sensory stimulation for older people with dementia. Retrieved from:

Hulsegge, J. and Verheul, A. (1987) Snoezelen Concept: Another World. Rompa Editorial.

Stima (2018) What is a Snoezelen Room? Retrieved from:

If they need support during this difficult time, at Verdeza we can provide them with a safe environment and social interaction activities. If for any reason, it is difficult for you to keep your family members at home, consider Verdeza as an excellent option.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, May 20

Chicken breast in spinach sauce
Beef fajitas

Tuesday, May 21

Breaded mahi mahi mahi filet
Fettuccine with amatriciana sauce

Wednesday, May 22nd

Pork tenderloin with pineapple sauce
Chicken pieces with onion sauce

Thursday, May 23rd

Tenderloin steak in garlic and mushroom sauce
Rice with shrimps

Friday, May 24

Mushroom Risotto
Chicken thighs in stew

Saturday, May 25

Pork chunks in sweet and sour sauce
Sea bass fillet with saffron sauce

Sunday, May 26th

Beef chalupas
Salad Verdeza with chicken

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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