
Holistic wellness: holistic approaches for a fulfilling life in old age.

In this blog we will address Holistic wellness, a philosophy that comes from the Greek term "holos" meaning "whole" or "complete", has been gaining recognition as a powerful path to a full and healthy life. Although it has become more relevant in recent times (with more strength after the pandemic), its importance has been highlighted throughout time, proving to be essential in all stages of life, even from early ages and of course, including the elderly.

Holistic wellness is based on the philosophy that our health and well-being are influenced by multiple aspects of our lives and has become a growing response to the complexities and challenges we face in everyday life. It is not limited to physical health alone, but also encompasses emotional, mental, social and spiritual aspects. It is about achieving a harmonious balance in all these areas to achieve an optimal quality of life.

As we approach old age, the focus on holistic wellness becomes even more relevant. Taking care of our physical health is essential, but so is attending to our emotional, social and spiritual needs. Staying socially active, keeping our minds sharp with intellectual pursuits and cultivating spirituality can have a significant impact on our quality of life in retirement.

According to a study published in the British Geriatric Society (BGS) journal "Age and Ageing," in its April 2023 issue, it was found that older adults who practice a holistic approach to health are 25% less likely to develop chronic health problems and 32% less likely to experience significant functional decline in later life, compared to those who do not follow a holistic approach. This highlights the importance of holistic wellness in later life to promote an active and healthy life.

Harvard University revealed a surprising fact about holistic wellness and cellular health. Telomeres, protective structures at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with aging, play a crucial role in longevity and healthy aging. According to the study, holistic wellness can positively influence telomere length, offering substantial benefits at the molecular level. Thus, people with holistic wellness practices would have longer telomeres, which is associated with greater longevity and lower incidence of aging-related diseases. All this reveals that taking care of our holistic health from an early age is fundamental.

In conclusion, holistic wellness is a powerful tool for a full and satisfying life at all stages. By balancing our physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual health, we improve our quality of life and achieve active and healthy aging. As Lao Tzu wisely said, "Health is the greatest possession. Joy is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend." At Verdeza we firmly believe that every moment is an opportunity to invest in our holistic wellness and enjoy a more enriching life. Start taking care of your holistic wellness today!.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, May 6

Meat pot
Chicken breast with almond crust

Tuesday, May 7th

Asparagus risotto
Tilapia fillet with butter herbs

Wednesday, May 8

Hawaiian pork taco
Chickpeas with chicken

Thursday, May 9th

Tenderloin in red wine
Fillet of sea bass with mustard sauce

Friday, May 10th

Fettuccine in spinach and cherry tomato sauce
Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese

Saturday, May 11

Pork loin with apple sauce
Conger filet with dill sauce

Sunday, May 12

Spaghetti bolognese
Chicken fingers with potatoes

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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