
Does the cold affect older adults?�

Yes, the cold does affect older adults. The reason is that as we age, the skin becomes thinner and it is common for the sensation of cold and heat to change. In addition, the basal metabolism, i.e. the energy needed to perform body functions and thermoregulation change, which generates that people are more susceptible to temperature variations (Tortosa, 2016).

In addition, cold often increases the symptoms of muscle and bone diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It also affects those suffering from cardiovascular or respiratory diseases (How cold affects the elderly, 2021). On the other hand, if the necessary measures are not taken, there is a risk that they may experience hypothermia. It is important for caregivers of older adults to be alert to symptoms such as drowsiness, stiffness in the limbs, weak pulse, etc., because, if so, the older adult requires immediate attention.

It is important to keep in mind that, although winter in Costa Rica is not characterized by extreme low temperatures, depending on the place where the older adult lives and his sensitivity to the cold, he may need special care at this time of the year. Some of these are the following:

1. Keeping the body active

Avoid sedentary lifestyles in the older adult population to prevent muscles and joints from atrophy.

2. Adequate caloric intake

On cold days it is especially important to consume protein, carbohydrates and warm food or beverages.

3. Prevent older adults from going out on cold nights.

And if it is extremely necessary to go out, they should wear warm clothing to keep warmth especially in their throat and feet. Since, as mentioned, the elderly population is vulnerable to the cold, they require more care.

Bibliographic references:

(How the cold affects the elderly (2021). Atilano Sánchez Sánchez Foundation. Retrieved from:,-A%20todos%20nos&text=Porque%20conforme%20se%20cumplen%20a%C3%B1os,m%C3%A1s%20propensa%20a%20sufrir%20sequedad.

Tortosa, J. (2016). Recommendations for Combating the Cold with Our Elders. Alzheimer's Universal. Retrieved from:

If they need support during this difficult time, at Verdeza we can provide them with a safe environment and social interaction activities. If for any reason, it is difficult for you to keep your family members at home, consider Verdeza as an excellent option.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, May 20

Chicken breast in spinach sauce
Beef fajitas

Tuesday, May 21

Breaded mahi mahi mahi filet
Fettuccine with amatriciana sauce

Wednesday, May 22nd

Pork tenderloin with pineapple sauce
Chicken pieces with onion sauce

Thursday, May 23rd

Tenderloin steak in garlic and mushroom sauce
Rice with shrimps

Friday, May 24

Mushroom Risotto
Chicken thighs in stew

Saturday, May 25

Pork chunks in sweet and sour sauce
Sea bass fillet with saffron sauce

Sunday, May 26th

Beef chalupas
Salad Verdeza with chicken

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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