
Active and healthy aging, the reality of 2020

We are entering the 20's of the 21st century. During the last few years we have witnessed how the world has changed, technology helps us to communicate over long distances in seconds, we can work from home, watch audiovisual material of our liking on our phone, learn through videos or read blogs about topics that catch our attention, as you are doing right now.

A term that has gained momentum during the last few years is related to active aging. According to the World Health Organization (2002) it is: "The process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation, and security in order to improve quality of life as people age." (p.79) Now, does this apply only to older adults? Actually, no, every human being since he or she exists is in constant development and therefore aging. Whether a child, a teenager, an adult or any person is aging and this is positive. Since it means that any human being can throughout his life perform actions to have a better development and therefore a better quality of life.

And what can be done to have an active aging? Well, first of all we must remember that people are bio-psycho-social. In other words, beings that have a body that works by chemical and biological functions, which is related to a brain, which besides being the organ responsible for the control of our movements, language, behavior and others, is related to our way of being, who we are and of course; we live in a society where the contribution of each person is essential for the growth of our civilization. If we manage to protect these three areas, we can have an active aging.

On the biological side, we can start with a better diet, physical activity, medical professional and regular check-ups. On the psychological level, we can perform cognitive stimulation, through art activities, mental games, among others. If we want to work on a psychological issue that we want to work on, attending a psychology professional is ideal, since he/she can advise us on how to develop coping methods.

And finally at the social level, it is important to have an assertive communication, which means to express what we think in a respectful way and without being aggressive (or passive aggressive), because as the saying goes, let's treat others as we would like to be treated. Another way is, if we wish, to get involved in charitable causes for a cause, for example: to improve the condition of life where we live, to support an institution, a cause, etc.

These recommendations are a principle to have an active aging by 2020, but this is not all, the WHO-PAHO (2019) is evolving its terms and is now also talking about Healthy Aging, as " the process of promoting and maintaining functional capacity that allows well-being in old age. With this new concept, healthy aging does not mean aging without disease. Aging healthily means being able to do for as long as possible the things we value." So, for anyone, one of their New Year's and life resolutions can be to start living a healthy lifestyle for active and healthy aging.

Bibliographic references:

World Health Organization (2002). Active aging: A policy framework. Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 37(S2), 74-105. (http://- (14-10-2014).

WHO/PAHO (2019) Healthy aging. Retrieved from: Accessed November 4, 2019.

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Weekly Menu

Monday, April 29th

Meat lasagna
Tilapia fillet en papillote

Tuesday, April 30

Baked chicken thighs
Spaghetti with bacon and mushrooms in tomato sauce

Wednesday, May 1st

Filet of mahi mahi mahi mahi in passion fruit sauce
Crepes of palm heart and cheese

Thursday, May 2nd

Tenderloin steak in onion sauce
Chicken fajitas

Friday, May 3rd

Pork tenderloin with teriyaki sauce
Rice with seafood

Saturday, May 4th

Chicken breast with carrot sauce
Lomo saltado

Sunday, May 5

Sea bass fillet with olive sauce
Penne in cheese and basil sauce

The weekly menu includes: fresh natural juice, a starter, a main course with two side dishes, coffee and dessert.

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