
Protocols applied in Verdeza against COVID-19

Our priority will always be the excellent emotional and healthy state of our beloved residents, so we took the necessary measures to ensure that we maintain the high quality standards that we had before COVID-19.

The protocols implemented are:

  1. Training campaign on official information from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica and professionals in epidemiology on COVID-19, the protocol of sneezing and coughing and correct hand washing.
  2. By implementing social distancing, but not emotional distancing, our residents have contact with their families through digital platforms and continue to carry out physical, cognitive and emotional activities regularly; always in compliance with regulations issued by official entities.
  3. The only people who can enter Verdeza facilities are our collaborators, whom have to comply with multiple health protection processes. Among them, the uniforms receive a strict washing process in Verdeza with state-of-the-art technology, together with a strong application of hygiene standards.
  4. In addition to protection at the biological and physical level. We are committed to the emotional well-being of our residents. Our staff has been, is and will always be in disposition to support them.

Verdeza is our resident’s home, in a literal sense, so we will always do our best for their well-being. #Stayathome

Together we can debeat and overcome COVID-19.

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Menú de la semana

Lunes 22 de abril

Pechuga de pollo a la napolitana
Risotto de berenjena y tomate

Martes 23 de abril

Lomito a las hierbas en cama de espárragos
Filet de congrio en salsa verde

Miércoles 24 de abril

Chuleta encebollada
Pastel de tortillas y pollo

Jueves 25 de abril

Filet de tilapia a la caribeña
Trocitos de res en estofado con verduras

Viernes 26 de abril

Rigatoni en dúo de salsas
Pechuga rellena con chile morrón y queso

Sábado 27 de abril

Salmón al horno con salsa agridulce
Enyucados de carne

Domingo 28 de abril

Costillas de cerdo horneadas
Chalupas de pollo

El menú semanal incluye: jugo fresco natural, una entrada, un plato fuerte con dos acompañamientos, café y postre.

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